What Up with StrawsSucK ?

We are committed to helping protect our environment by informing our friends, sharing ideas and changing behavior around how we use and abuse single-use plastics.  Our fragile ecosystems can't take much more and here is why: 

How plastics hurt


Everyday, we use and discard plastic straws, lids, cups, forks after using them just once.  Many (most) cannot be recycled and end up in our landfills, streams, rivers and eventually, our oceans.  Because of their size, straws end up ingested by sea birds, fish and marine mammals.  The plastic reduces the storage volume in the birds' stomachs, causing them to starve.  Fish ingest plastics causing them intestinal injury and eventually death, transferring the plastic toxins like BPA up the food to larger animals and eventually to US!  Sea turtles, whales and other mistake straws for food.  Given that many of these animals are already endangered or at-risk in much of the world, single-use straws have an enormous impact on their continued existence as a species.            

Why should I help?


According to a recent NatGeo article, it is estimated that as many as 8.3 BILLION plastic straws will pollute the world's beaches this year.  In the U.S. alone, about 500 million straws are used every single day.  But what can I, as a single person, do about it?  A LOT!  If each one of us refused a straw when offered to us, went to restaurants and businesses that don't use straws, helped in community clean-ups AND spread the word about impact by starting more "StrawsSuck" programs, we can all influence society to be more kind to our environment.